Information for Guests
Accommodations in the Newport area during Commencement weekend are always in high demand. Salve Regina recommends working with Discover Newport for your accommodation needs. They may be reached at (800) 326-6030. In addition, the University's hotel partners may be offering special discounts for this weekend.
Parking will be available in the areas shown on this map. Guests must adhere to posted parking signage. No parking will be permitted on unauthorized side streets adjacent to the University.
- General parking will initiate from inner campus and proceed outward as directed by Public Safety personnel. Parking on Leroy Avenue East will be for compact vehicles only. Interior campus parking includes McKillop Library, Gerety Hall, Hunt/Reefe and Moore halls, Munroe Center, Leroy Avenue, Lawrence Avenue, Rodgers Recreation Center and Goelet Field. Shuttles will operate continuously from these locations.
- Special accommodation parking: Handicap drop-off will be at Ochre Point and Shepard avenues. The Commencement tent is located at the rear of the O'Hare Academic Building (see map). Handicap parking will be on Ochre Point Avenue and Shepard Avenue East, adjacent to the Commencement site. A handicap placard is required. Parking attendants and golf carts will be available for directions and assistance.
When campus lots are full, traffic will be directed to Chateau-sur-Mer at 474 Bellevue Ave. for additional parking. Parking attendants will be available for directions and assistance. Continuous shuttle service will be provided from Chateau-sur-Mer to the Commencement site. Returning shuttles will depart from the corner of Ochre Point and Shepard avenues until 2 p.m.
Prohibited Items
The following items are prohibited:
- Animals (except service animals)
- Any type of signs
- Balloons
- Confetti poppers
- Umbrellas
- Air horns
- Cowbells
Prohibition of animals: Only service animals are permitted at Commencement ceremonies. Under the ADA, a service animal is defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the person's disability. Emotional support, therapy, comfort or companion animals are not service animals. These animals have not been trained to perform a specific job or task and therefore do not qualify as service animals under the ADA. If a dog's mere presence provides comfort, that is not considered a service animal. Any service animal that causes a disruption to the ceremony will be asked to exit the tent area.
Guests With Special Accommodations
To ensure enhanced accessibility and safety, a dedicated section within the tent will be allocated to accommodate guests with limited mobility. One companion may accompany them in this designated area. When you arrive for the Commencement ceremony, please follow the signs to the special accommodations entrance.
- Undergraduate ceremony: During ticket pickup, undergraduate students should inform staff if any member of their party requires special accommodation seating.
- Graduate ceremony: Graduate students should note any guest needs regarding special accommodations for seating on the Commencement RSVP form.
On the day of the ceremony, a disability placard/handicap license plate must be visibly presented to gain access to the designated handicap/disability parking area. Guests requiring special accommodations, along with their escorts, are advised to utilize the designated drop-off area situated at the intersection of Shepard and Ochre Point avenues. Upon arrival on campus, security personnel will be available to provide guidance.
Food Service and Facilities
Jazzman Cafe, located in the O'Hare Academic Building, will have beverages and snacks for sale during both Commencement ceremonies. Flowers will also be on sale at a table near the Commencement tent during both ceremonies. Restrooms will be available in the O'Hare Academic Building on both the first and second floors.
Photography and Videography
GradImages, Inc. will take close-up pictures of each graduate as degrees are being conferred. Information on how to purchase pictures will be sent directly to your home by the vendor. They may be contacted at (800) 261-2576 or
The Office of Marketing and Communications will livestream the Commencement ceremonies. Details on how to access this content will be made available on the Commencement website shortly before the weekend.