Program News
Art and Art History
Foster is the Hamilton Gallery's artist-in-residence

For two weeks following the Thanksgiving holiday, New England-based cartoonist and illustrator Whiteley Foster '16 relocated their studio practice to the Dorrance H. Hamilton Gallery to share their creative process with the Salve Regina community and incite new opportunities for learning and collaboration on campus. Through digital illustration and animation, Foster develops stories with a LGBTQ+ focus. Their work provides a safe space free of adversity and abuse for the LGBTQ+ community to explore themes of love and acceptance.
Parenti participates in archeological dig at Newport's historic spring

Art history major Grace Parenti recently assisted with an archeological dig at the historic spring site in Newport. Her enrollment in an introductory archaeology course paved the way for her to participate, and she was particularly excited about ceramics that were uncovered during the dig.
"We found a lot of pieces that have the same decorations on them and the same painting and glaze design," Perenti said. "It's Chinese-inspired porcelain, and there's a chance that some of these pieces are authentic from China brought through trade in Newport, whereas some of them also might be European remakes."
Students produce exhibition of 18th- and 19th-century objects

The gallery exhibition "Self and Sensibility: Women and Decorative Arts in the Age of Jane Austen and Emily Dickinson" brought a treasury of about 50 museum-quality works from the Georgian and Victorian periods to campus.
As a collaborative project for the course Curatorial Practice and the Gallery Experience, students proposed ideas for installing the exhibition, then worked collectively to identify the best ideas and create a more unified gallery experience.
Miech creates board game spanning 60 pieces of artwork

In one of Ryan Miech's junior-year courses, students were charged with creating a body of artwork where every piece connected with the other. Having been involved in board game design in high school, Miech envisioned merging that skill with the assignment.
"It is a crazy idea, and it is a lot of work, but I want to make a board game that spans 60 pieces of artwork that compiles a lot of themes," Miech said. He pitched the idea to his professor, and it took off from there. After completing the assignment for course, he revisited the game last summer and has since been working to perfect it.
Post presents at annual College Art Association conference

Art history major Caylee Post presented at the College Art Association's annual conference alongside Dr. Anthony Mangieri, associate professor and chairman of the Department of Art and Art History, and assistant professor Ernest Jolicoeur. She was the first Salve Regina student to collaborate with both professors on such a venture.
Students are rarely given the opportunity to present during the conference, but Post was able to do so during a session titled "Research, Collect, Curate and Digitize: How Undergraduates Created a Natural History Collection."