Program News
Socratic method sparked Jaeger's love for philosophy

Few students can pinpoint the moment they found their passion, but Timothy Jaeger easily recalled a high school class's use of the Socratic method that founded his love for philosophy. "That stuck with me more than anything," Jaeger said. "The idea of being able to think about a bunch of different perspectives and do a bunch of these thought experiments."
Gaspard is highly involved and loving it at Salve Regina

There are few students more involved on Salve Regina's campus than Priscilla Gaspard. She will never complain about her busy schedule – in fact, it's one of her favorite things about Salve Regina. "I love that I am able to participate in all of these different things," she said. "Everyone encourages me to be involved, and they know that's just who I am. It's uplifting to be in a community like that."
Philosophy professor presents at international conference

Dr. Thomas Svogun, professor in the departments of Administration of Justice and Philosophy, presented at the 18th annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities. Sponsored by the University of Louisville, the conference's primary goal is to provide those with cross-disciplinary interests related to arts and humanities to meet with others inside and outside their own discipline.
Colosi organizing conferences in the U.S., Netherlands

Dr. Peter Colosi, assistant professor in the Department of Philosophy, recently organized two conferences – held in the U.S. and in the Netherlands – that brought together Catholics from around the world for discussions ranging on the practice of medicine to promoting human dignity in a secular age.