Voices of Mercy
The McAuley Institute for Mercy Education's "What Matters to Me and Why?" luncheon speaker series seeks to provide opportunities for the Salve Regina community to gather and share together around our stories, core values and mission. The McAuley Institute hosts one Sister of Mercy, one faculty member, one staff member and one administrator annually to reflect on their lives and vocations and respond to the question: "What matters to me and why?"

Colleen Swain ’16, ’17 (M)
The mission challenges you to analyze your own perceptions and think critically about unjust systems and how you will seek answers. And act and respond.

Kristine Hendrickson, associate vice president, chief communications officer
Mercy is having that level of compassion and understanding and empathy for another human being and recognizing that at any given moment where you’re standing and where the other person’s standing could be reversed.

Cheryl Mrozowski, chair, Board of Trustees
Mercy means to be compassionate toward your fellow [human]. And to see life from a humanitarian point of view. And to always be kind in your thought and your word and your deed.

Maria Hendrickson ’19, ’20 (M)
Show that compassion each and every day. Through those little acts that make someone happy. You never know what kind of day people are having or the situation that they’re in.

Miguel Romero, assistant professor, Department of Religious and Theological Studies
Because we only know God through God’s mercy. We know God’s love, charity, through God’s mercy. Our most perfect imitation of that God is through God’s mercy, is to be merciful.